Saturday, June 17, 2006

Names to Avoid if You're Expecting a Child

Genesis 22:20-24

Joy of joys, I was hoping for another list of names. Very short section, much of which consists of names of Abraham's relatives. We find out that some time later Abraham received word of 8 children born to his brother and sister-in-law. I wonder what his reaction would have been.
I've finally gotten a son (actually 2, but I don't get the sense he was bragging about Ishmael)- oh, what do you hear from home? My brother has 8, huh? Did I mention that my seed will be blessed?

Maybe more significantly, in an era of cell-phones and email, it's hard to imagine not hearing about being an uncle until the 8th child has been born. Abraham truly left his family behind. Did this news make him homesick? Reminiscent of days horsing around with Nahor? I talk to family almost every day- imagine going 8 years (or more) without speaking to your brother. And then hearing about how much his life has changed.

I guess it should make us realize the blessings of our time- even if we forget to turn off our cell phones and our inboxes are full of spam.

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