Sunday, June 11, 2006

I've Fallen and I can't Get Up

Genesis 3

OK- Genesis is weird. So Eve has a conversation with a snake, and not only is it no big deal that he talks- and knows about God's rules- but she trusts the snake's word over God's. I think there is a rebellious part of us that wants to believe a second opnion or even a stranger over an authority figure (in the forensics world, trusting a ballot over a coach- even if they say the same thing) - but it seems like credibility should have been an issue here.

Then she shares the fruit. Does she know at this point that she's really messed up and figures shared responsibility, shared guilt, shared repercussions- or is it a genuine "this is cool Adam- see what it's like to be way smart?"

They put on the leaf coverings and hide- Adam explains to God that it's because of their nakedness. God asks how they knew- and if they've eaten the fruit. Is this rhetorical? Shouldn't God know that that's what's happened?

God curses the serpent. OK- this might be the weirdest thing in the chapter to me. It has to crawl and eat dust. It's actually kind of cool to consider that this being may have been something entirely different before this encounter- but it's still a snake. Cursing the decendants seems really odd- obviously this serpent has some mental capacity beyond an ordinary animal- but how much would an animal care that his specie be changed on account of him?

Jesus' victory is foreshadowed- but from the snake's perspective...why does he care?

Two key lessons in my mind:1) Believe what God says. Even when seductive voices say something different. Even when the fruit looks good- when you've got a partner in crime- or when you think you'll try it just once. I would have spared myself and others so much heartache and pain if I hadn't justified sin by thinking it would be one-time or temporary life experience.

2) God wants to trust us. Why in the world are those trees even in the garden? If they aren't there- then mankind can't fall- right? So ultimately, God wants to think that His word is enough for us. This is here, but you don't have to worry about it. Just listen to me- leave the harmful stuff alone, you'll be okay. I'll trust you to do the right thing. We disappoint Him a lot- but when we leave the trees alone- it's a victory.

interesting footnote- in vs 20 children are spoken of in the future. she will become mother of the world. So 1) she never experienced painless childbirth,-I'm guessing a real missed opportunity and 2) her sons had to find someone to mate with that came from...? Maybe this reference doesn't neccessitate no other children, but they had to come from somewhere? Any insights? Does it matter?

Also of note- Eve isn't even named until after the curses. Man has been thoughtful since day one.

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