Sunday, June 20, 2010

Feel Like a Number

Numbers 4: 34-49

This section is low on plot and interesting insight. Basically- Moses and Aaron follow through with the census commanded earlier. Before you keel over in anticipation- here are the results.

They only counted men between 30-50 years of age- working age for whatever their clan was assigned to.

2,750 Kohathites
2,630 Gershonites
3,200 Merarites

8,580 total. You can check it with your calculator.

Once again- it could have just worked out that way- but fairly round numbers for all three- especially for the Merarites. I don't know if these numbers are approximations or handled by the anal retentive. I'm not sure what difference it makes.

I'm also not sure what to take from this section. Maybe the idea that while at times we are significant individually in the work we do- sometimes what matters more is that we become part of a group larger than ourselves and pursue God's work.

Or maybe just that Numbers is boring.

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