Tuesday, June 26, 2007

The Original Sweetener

Exodus 15: 22-27

So the Israelites walk three days without finding any water. It's hard for me to think of going three days without a soft drink- let alone water- and especially if those days are spent walking and carrying your possessions. So imagine the reaction when they finally get to a water source in Marah- and the water is bitter.

Suddenly, the people think Moses is responsible for the earth's waterways and the grumbling begins. And you expect us to drink what? Hey, Moe- a little thirsty over here. So Moses does what Moses seems to do well- he cries out to God who directs him to a piece of wood. Moses chunks the wood into the water and the water becomes sweet. Old school Equal without the aspartame.

So now that they have something to drink- God makes a deal with them- it's called a law, but it reads more like a contract. If you listen carefully to God's voice and do what He says, if you pay attention to His commands and keep all His decrees, I won't bring any of those diseases on you that you saw Me give the Egyptians.

The pronoun usage is confusing. God speaks of Himself in third person- but the message is clear- do what I say- and I won't bring disease on you- at least not those Egyptian diseases. He ends this treatise with perhaps the central message of this section- "for I am the LORD who heals you."

This people have seen the plagues, witnessed the parting of the Red Sea and still they doubt that God will care for them. But here He tells them- don't stress out- do what I say and you'll be OK. And maybe the message is for me too.

But here's where it gets tricky- because God's people get diseases, and get hit by cars, and go hungry, and are abused, and are lonely, and scared, and worn out and deprived of basic needs. Is it because of a lack of trust? Or maybe despite all the suffering, despite the pain and death and despair- God still heals us. The situation may not change- but He gives us the strength to deal with it. And ultimately- He brings us home.

Finally they come to Elim and camp there- 12 springs, 70 palm trees, Moses and his speedo. They camped there near the water.

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