Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Exodus 17: 1-7
So they leave the Desert of Sin behind- but apparently only literally because they still don't have a whole lot of trust in God. When they camp at Rephidim, they're thirsty and there's no water- so they fall right back into whiney-mode.
They tell Moses to give them water. Moses says- "Why do you quarrel with me? Why do you put the LORD to the test?" It could be that Moses is already starting to think of himself a little too highly- to argue with me is the same as arguing with God- you see, I'm the spokesperson- and I'm pretty much in charge. I read this though to be pretty similar to last chapter's explanation which is exactly the opposite-
Why are you arguing with me? I'm not important- I'm not calling the shots- in fact when you complain about me, since I'm not in control, what you're actually doing is arguing with God- not such a smart idea.
But they keep grumbling- the usual "why did you bring us here to die?" only now they're even complaining about the lack of water for their livestock.
Moses is getting a little worried- he prays to God afraid that the people are getting ready to stone him. God tells him to take his staff that he used to strike the Nile. When you get to Horeb, I'll be there at the rock, strike it- and the people will have water.
So Moses does this- and it works. Moses, perhaps in an attempt to shame these annoying wanderers calls the place Massah (testing) and Meribah (quarreling) becuase of their testing of God- saying "Is the LORD with us or not?"
For me the lesson is God's patience. Here are a group of people that have been rescued and fed- they're being taken to a wondrous new land that's being given to them- and they whine, and complain, and wish they were back where they started.
At times I have moments like this- where I fantasize about captivity. Not literal shackles and chains- but a sanitized glorification of how wonderful some sin was. Oh, to be able to do that again. Remembering the pleasure, but conveniently omitting the pain, suffering and guilt. I belittle the deliverance and the promise of the land to come and even if only for a fleeting minute focus on the darkness that was- not as darkness, but the good ole days.
And God must feel the same way. What's wrong with you? I've delivered you- I've saved you- I've given you so much more- trust me.
And He's right (of course). And when rationality returns I remember those times more objectively and try to keep following- and even if I whine about being thirsty- I don't want those days of captivity to return.
Exodus 16
So we're halfway through month two of the wandering, athe Israelites aren't happy. We're hungry- we had pots of meat in Egypt. Why did we come out here to die? Back in Egypt it was all-you-can-eat. Feed me!
God steps in and says- I'll give you some bread. And this bread sounds good! Thin wafers that tasted like honey. The Israelites are supposed to get only enough for that day- except on the sixth day of the week. In order to prevent Sabbath working, they should get twice as much that day and prepare it for the Sabbath. They boiled or baked it the night before in anticipation of the Sabbath
This commandment sounds a lot like the storing treasure in barns parable. Get what you need for today- I took care of you today, didn't I? What makes you think that I won't tomorrow? Trust Me!
Moses seems more irritated than God when he relays the message. Look- when you grumble at us, it's pretty silly. I'm not anyone special- I'm just this guy with a stutter and a staff. When you start mouthing off and griping about what I've done to your people, what you're really doing is badmouthing God. So- God heard you whining- and He's decided to once again show you His glory. In the evening- you'll get meat- and in the morning some of that honeybread- and you'll know it was God who brought you out of Egypt.
Moses tells them they'll have all the bread they want. But when he gives them instructions, they're bringing in about a quart per person. While nutritionally, that's plenty to survive on- I don't think that would be all I'd want. Keep 'em coming. This may be an inadvertant commentary on our culture's obesity and gluttony. Maybe it was a bread and fishes kind of thing. Take this much- I promise you won't go hungry.
In the evening quail came and covered the camp. I've always thought of quail as more of a delicacy type food- more dainty than other types of meat. I wonder why quail was the meat of choice. Perhaps God knew that it would be healthier for them and increase their capacity for hiking. Maybe it was common to that region. Maybe it just really tasted good- but for whatever reason- they had plenty of quail.
In the morning, the ground was covered with dew- and when the dew passed, in its place were thin flakes like frost- this was the manna God gave them. God told them to get an omer (liter) for each person in their tent. Maybe this was an approximation though- because it said that some gathered a little and some much- I know which camp I would have been in. After they gathered, the sun would melt away all the excess.
They weren't allowed to keep it overnight though. Once again- the whole continued trust thing. If they kept it, it would be full of maggots. But of course, trying to beat the system, some tried to keep it, and of course, maggots overtook it- and of course, Moses was annoyed. However, on Sabbath eves they could keep it- and it would be fine the next day- no maggots.
On the sabbath morning, there wouldn't be any on the ground. But, some would foolishly go look and try to get some even though God told them to stay put on the Sabbath.
Moses told Aaron that God told him to take some bread and put it in a jar so future generations could see the bread God used to nourish His people with. This manna business went on for about 40 years.
It would be amazing to get to a level of trust that you could live day to day- not worrying about tomorrow- how much was in the bank, where the car payment was going to come from or how you were going to put gas in the car. This kind of trust is enviable, but difficult to achieve. How do you not worry about next month's bills? And at what point are you solving your own problems or turning them over to God?
In principle, trusting in God to deal with financial issues is wondrous- but I'm not sure what it looks like in practice. So I quit my job and trust He'll feed me? Or is the job the gift? I empty my bank account knowing He's there? Or is the bank account from Him too? There's a middle ground somewhere- even the disciples had a money purse- but it's all pretty fuzzy. Maybe the bottom line is remembering that it's not your savings or earnings that keep you going, but simply God's provision.
Exodus 15: 22-27
So the Israelites walk three days without finding any water. It's hard for me to think of going three days without a soft drink- let alone water- and especially if those days are spent walking and carrying your possessions. So imagine the reaction when they finally get to a water source in Marah- and the water is bitter.
Suddenly, the people think Moses is responsible for the earth's waterways and the grumbling begins. And you expect us to drink what? Hey, Moe- a little thirsty over here. So Moses does what Moses seems to do well- he cries out to God who directs him to a piece of wood. Moses chunks the wood into the water and the water becomes sweet. Old school Equal without the aspartame.
So now that they have something to drink- God makes a deal with them- it's called a law, but it reads more like a contract. If you listen carefully to God's voice and do what He says, if you pay attention to His commands and keep all His decrees, I won't bring any of those diseases on you that you saw Me give the Egyptians.
The pronoun usage is confusing. God speaks of Himself in third person- but the message is clear- do what I say- and I won't bring disease on you- at least not those Egyptian diseases. He ends this treatise with perhaps the central message of this section- "for I am the LORD who heals you."
This people have seen the plagues, witnessed the parting of the Red Sea and still they doubt that God will care for them. But here He tells them- don't stress out- do what I say and you'll be OK. And maybe the message is for me too.
But here's where it gets tricky- because God's people get diseases, and get hit by cars, and go hungry, and are abused, and are lonely, and scared, and worn out and deprived of basic needs. Is it because of a lack of trust? Or maybe despite all the suffering, despite the pain and death and despair- God still heals us. The situation may not change- but He gives us the strength to deal with it. And ultimately- He brings us home.
Finally they come to Elim and camp there- 12 springs, 70 palm trees, Moses and his speedo. They camped there near the water.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Exodus 15:1-21
So maybe West Side Story is a little more realistic than I realized. After all is said and done, Moses and the Israelites break into song. I guess one of the more artsy Israelites worked up a tune to commemorate the great victory. Maybe a religious type "Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald."
It begins with ""I will sing to the LORD, for he is highly exalted. The horse and its rider he has hurled into the sea (NIV)." A phrase of praise- and a recap of the victory over Egypt.
Then: "The LORD is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation. He is my God, and I will praise him, my father's God, and I will exalt him (NIV)." So- a line about how important God is to their survival-recognition about God's generational longevity- and a declaration of devotion.
God is refered to as "a warrior" and named as "LORD." More specifics are given about the mighty Egyptians being thrown into the sea. God's right hand is singled out as being majestic and shattering the enemy. I picture God as being ambidextrous- the right hand singling out could be an image of strentgh (sorry lefties- but I think traditionally the right hand is associated with power) - or maybe even an image of how easy it was for God to smilte Egypt. All He used was His right hand.
God's wrath is then seen in the metaphor of fire. His "burning anger...consumed them like stubble (NIV)." Fire may demonstrate the severity of the destruction. A raging fire- unable to be quenched by anyone except it's source. Especially interesting since the fire chose water as its agent of destruction.
Then an odd metaphor. "By the blast of your nostrils the water piled up (NIV). God's might is such that He blew his nose and it wiped out an army. Even a honker like me has to be impressed by such a feat.
Moses, et al. continue- Egypt talked some serious smack- they were going to divide up our possessions- they were going to gorge themselves on us. But God used his breath to cover them with the sea.
Praise follows- rhetorically asking who can compare with God's holiness, glory and ability to work wonders. And then comes a showing of faith in God's care for the future. "In your unfailing love you will lead the people you have redeemed. In your strength you will guide them to your holy dwelling." God...we know that you won't desert us- you'll use your might to keep protecting us and leading us home.
Then the Israelites talk smack...bet those Philistines are scared. Edom? Terrified! Moab? Trembling! Canaanites will melt away (so scared they melt? Run fleeing from the land so the population decreases/melts?). They will be "still as a stone" until we pass them by.
You will bring us home- to your sanctuary which you made. And finally a declaration that the LORD will reign forever.
Then there is an odd sentence (not lyrics) recapping the actual story- when the Egyptians drowned, the Israelites walked through on dry land. We already read the story- and then the song- but here it is again in case you missed it.
So at this point (not a joke) Miriam picks up a tambourine and plays and dances along with Moses and the group. It seems she's a little bit country and he's a little bit rock n roll (joke). All the women join in with their tambourines and dance along with her. And then Miriam has her big solo, a variation on the first stanza:
"Sing to the LORD, for he is highly exalted. The horse and its rider he has hurled into the sea."
OK- all joking aside- here is a people so appreciative of the job done by God to save them that they throw aside their inhibitions and sing. They ignore the vulnerability of producing an original work- they don't worry about flat notes (at least not enough to shut them up) and Miriam doesn't even mind leading a group of Davy Jones wannabes and tambourining along- all to God's glory.
Wouldn't it be great to worship with absolutely no inhibitions? To belt it out like no one is listening except God? To turn off all thoughts of embarassment or self-consciousness and just praise.
Maybe that's what the music in Heaven will be like. Save me a tambourine.
Exodus 13:17-14:31
So God takes the Israelites on the scenic route to the promised land. Not to see the sights, but to avoid the Philistines. He says that if the Israelites were to face war, thy might high-tail it back to Egypt. It's comforting to think that God knows His people so well that He puts them into conditions that ultimately their best interests (and His) come to pass. I'll get them to deliverance- and by escaping conflict here- they'll be more apt to stay with me. Comforting, but puzzling because of what follows.
Moe is carrying the bones of Joseph- it seems the sons of Israel had sworn an oath. He told the Israelites that God would come to their aid, and when it happens, they need to carry his bones with them. This is an odd request. Did he want to be buried in his people's land? Was it to signify that deliverance was coming- but not soon (not in my lifetime)? Was it so that as they made their trek, they would have the great story of Joseph in mind to give them strength and greater trust in God's faithfulness?
Regardless, it's interesting that Moses follows through. This wasn't just an appeasement to an old, dying man. The Israelites promised- Moses is going to follow through- even though Joseph isn't there to check up on him. Perhaps the lesson is that God's people follow through on their word (at least they should).
As they walk- God leads them- a pillar of a cloud during the day- and a pillar of fire (giving light) at night. God is always with them. I wonder- is the cloud to give them shade as they walk? How did they know this cloud was God? Is the shape of the pillar so obvious that He can't be mistaken? Is there significance in the shape of a pillar? Does Lot's salty wife come into play somewhere?
I wonder if I were walking with the Israelites if I would buy that the cloud was God- Umm, Moses- it's just a cloud. You've seen clouds, right? But hopefully by this point, I'd be trusting Moses' judgment about these kinds of things- although the Israelites seem to have trust issues when it comes to God.
So here's the odd part. God tells Moses to backtrack a little. This will confuse the Egyptians who will think that the desert has us hemmed in. I'm going to harden Pharaoh's heart again- and he'll come hunt us down.
So- we avoided the Philistines so there wouldn't be war- but now I'm going to harden Pharaoh's heart so he'll attack. Why didn't He just let a Philistine victory be what let His glory be declared? Why harden a heart when there were some that would have already been hardened? But they follow- Moses apparently unquestioning.
Hardened-Pharaoh has a revelation...we're going to have to do our own work! Let's get these slaves back. So he wages a full scale attack. All of his horses, chariots (over 600), horsemen and troops head out to bring back what they felt was theirs. And before long they caught up.
The Israleites looked up and saw them...and their faith in God was gone. The Chiplike member of the group smarts off to Moses "Oh- I guess they were out of graves in Egypt. Plenty of room for a mass burial here." Others cry- we begged you to leave us alone. I'd rather be a slave than die out here in the desert.
Moses reassures them. Take a good look- you'll never see these people again. Just relax, God is going to fight for you.
God is a bit insulted by the cries of distress- What are you whining about? Just keep marching. Lift up your hand over the sea and you can cross on dry ground. They'll follow- and then I'll be glorified.
The next section has some cool detail I don't remember knowing before. First- God (or here described as an angel of God) in cloud form moved behind the Israelites shining light toward them and darkness toward the Egyptians. So they couldn't catch up to the Israelites.
So Moe does his thing and the water parts- there's a wall of water on each side and God causes a wind to dry the ground- so the Israelites have a dry path to follow through the sea.
Then God starts sabatoging. Egyptian chariot wheels start falling off making it hard for them to drive. Now they know they're in trouble. It seems like they would have figured it out around the frogs or gnats- but now they're in full retreat mode. Only it's too late.
Moses raises his hands again and the sea returns to normal- sweeping up all the Egyptians into the water- none of them survived. Israel passed through on dry ground and saw the dead Egyptians washed up on shore. And they trusted Moses and God again...at least for now.
It would be cool to see a good movie of this story. Plenty of action, interesting, complex characters- visually stunning.
Ultimately, what I get here is that God saves us- in His way- in His time. Trust, praise, and enjoy.
Exodus 13: 1-16
Reading this feels like the first few minutes of 24 or Lost. The artificial voice says "Previously on The Exodus..." and the recap begins. They don't tell you everything that happened, just enough to make this week's action-packed sudser make sense. And here we get a recap of the celebration rules for the Israelites to follow.
God (or maybe the translaters of the NIV) use some words that would have left me asking Him for some clarification as He goes through the process. First God says "Consecrate to Me every firstborn male." To which I might reply..."Consecrate... ok, got it- and how does one consecrate something?" As best as I can tell from perusing the fine work of the folks over at dictionary.com- the meaning seems to be set the firstborn aside- deem it holy for My purposes.
Whether man or animal, the firstborn belongs to God (in a way beyond, apparently, everything belonging to God). In fact, these firstborns will be apparently sacrificed since the firstborns were spared before this great journey began. There are substitution provisions though. Firstborns can be redeemed by the blood of a lamb (sound familiar?) So, you can save your donkeys by substituting a lamb in it's place. But if you don't, then you have to break the neck of the donkey.
Then come some understated words of wisdom..."Redeem every firstborn among your sons." And then when your son asks about it- tell him the story about mighty God killing the firstborn of the Egyptians- and I sacrificed this lamb to save you.
There are some specifications made about this holiday season. They are reminded about the timing for their flatbread festival- only not only can't they have yeast in their homes- it can't even be within their borders. And you observe it every year- and tell your sons why.
"And it will be like a sign on your hand and a symbol on your forehead."
This last phrase is a little puzzling, but it might be that Moses is saying. Sacrifice to God- and explain it to your family- your devotion to God will be so obvious, that people can look at you and tell that you're one of His children. I wonder how much my Christianity is like a sign on my head. I don't buy into the false piety of "appearing Christian." You better not laugh at that joke or fraternize with the wrong people- no dancing and let's measure the hem on your shorts. It's Sunday, where's your tie? Look everyone, I'm putting my check in the contribution plate now. But I do hope that people who know me can see the love of Jesus in me. Because I laugh with them, because I care about their problems, because I try to make them smile, or educated, or proud of themselves, or accomplished, or most of all loved. Later on we're told that Christians are to be identified by how they love each other- and that's the sign I hope to have in flashing neon on my ever-wrinkling brow.
All the lamb substitution is another example of real life foreshadowing (just in case you haven't yet finished the story) the sacrifice of Christ for us. I know, it's kind of obvious, right? But I kinda have to spell it out if I'm going to blog about it, don't I?
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Exodus 12:43-51
So God spells out the specifics of what He wants when the Passover is celebrated.
First: No foreigner may eat of it. This is for God's people and God's people only. Perhaps this is to keep the feast from being trivialized. It's not just a flatbread feast- if it's meaningless to the observers, it serves no purpose.
Second: A slave can eat it- but only after he's been circumcised. Hired workers and temporary residents aren't welcome. The mention of slavery in a neutral light in the Bible is more than puzzling to me- especially in addressing the slave owners. But maybe this is God giving a break to those who are in bondage. You are a slave- but I'll treat you as my child- come have a part of my feast- but before you do- let me make sure you're committed to me.
Convincing someone capable of consent to agree to let someone cut his sexual organ shows serious commitment- especially in days before MD's, sterilization, and anaesthetics at least to the level that we're used to. But God says- you're here long term- you're committed to me- be a part of the family.
Third: It must be eaten inside one house. This is not a yard party. No croquet or bocce. Take no meat outside the doors. Is this just symbolic of the saving power of the blood? Is God suggesting a formality required? Is He trying to keep the celebrants together during the celebration? The symbolism is my guess, but I'm not real sure.
Fourth: Do not break any of the bones. This seems to be foreshadowing Christ's crucifixion- although it was probably really puzzling and perhaps even frustrating to them as they prepared the food.
Fifth: The whole community of Israel must celebrate it. This seems like it would be tough to legislate. Did they have Passover Police going door to door, checking the blood on the posts? Drug dogs sniffing for leaven? Police tape barring the exits making sure no food left the premises? It seems to me the spirit of this may have been- if you're in Israel- these rules are for you. We're all celebrating- no one is exempt.
Finally: If an alien lives among the Israelites- he can eat- but not until every male in his household has been circumcised. No uncircumcised male may eat of it- either native or alien.
So they listened and obeyed- and on that day God brought them out of Egypt by their divisions.
It seems to me here that God has opened his family to anyone interested in being a part of it- if he or she (actually maybe just he is appropriate for these patriarchical times) is willing to show some commitment to Him. In it's earliest form, "the blessed gospel is for all."
And these rules are for next year? They left in a hurry, and had seemingly already done the blood on the doorpost thing. Is this just told out of sequence, or are these rules to get them ready for the following celebration?
It's interesting to me that laws so long ago point forward to the coming Christ. Kind of an indirect prophecy- although not even Moses would have really understood (unless God spelled it out for him). Do things work that way still? Do puzzling things in our lives, or in God's laws point toward unknown events or constructs to come when this life is over? To when Christ comes back?
Once again- it seems like it's important to remember that God's in control- and He hasn't revealed all of the answers. Trust and obey.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Exodus 12: 31-42
So all that smack about"next time I see you, you die" and " I will never appear before you again"? It's empty posturing on both ends. Pharaoh summons Moe and Aaron in the middle of the night and says- just go- whatever you want, just go- but please bless me on your way out of town.
The Egyptians were behind the policy. If they stay, we'll all die!
The Israelites put their leaven-less dough on their shoulders and take the plunder they'd received, silver, gold, and clothing. God made the Egyptians like the Israelites, so when they asked for their stuff- they gave it away.
600,000 men plus women, children and cattle started the trek to Succoth. Apparently they were joined by even more people en route. I'm reminded of the enorminty of a cattle drive in westerns like Lonesome Dove- Gus and Call's whole outfit were nothing compared to this. This is like the state of Vermont walking together across the country and that's without most of the women, children or cattle. Truly an epic image.
Along the way they baked yeast-free cakes with their dough. As the staff in hand suggested, they had to leave in a hurry- this dough was a primary food source- they didn't have time to make more food.
They were in captivity 430 years to the day. I'm not sure why this number is significant- but it was exacly this long.
Moses tells us: "Because the LORD kept vigil that night to bring them out of Egypt, on this night all the Israelites are to keep vigil to honor the LORD for the generations to come" (NIV).
God seems to put importance on both remembering and celebrating. Although I don't come from Jewish lineage- the idea of honoring God's deliverance with a celebration is desirable to me. Not the deliverance of the Israelites from Egypt, but selfishly my own deliverance from my self-imposed shackles. Sharing communion should be this way, though it's often not. But I'm in favor of any excuse to loudly proclaim thanks to God in joyous ways- whether it's Christmas Day, Easter Morning, Sunday, or whatever. Remembering His gifts and celebrating His care is always in season. Yeast is optional.
And so the Exodus begins.
Monday, June 11, 2007
That night, I'll come through Egypt and strike down every firstborn, men or animals. I'm bringing judgment on the Egyptian gods. When I see the blood, I'll pass over you (Passover...get it?) . As long as the blood is on the door, you'll be fine when I strike Egypt.
So starting on the 14th- no yeast for a week. In fact- get the yeast out of your houses. If you eat yeast from the 14th- 21st, you will be cut off from Israel, no matter who you are. You'll have a couple of sacred assemblies on the 14th (?)and 21st(?)- and you can't do any work on those days- except food preparation.
So Moses tells the people- get that blood on your doorframes- and don't leave your house until morning. You'll be safe as long as you're inside.
The Israelites follow through and they're ok- the Egyptians...not so much. Lots of death- in fact not a house without someone dead. Does this mean that no one in Egypt caught on and followed through with the blood thing? No one told an Egyptian friend- hey- you might want to know this...
Or was the blood only a test for the Israelites- irrelevant for those who weren't part of the chosen race? The Israelites then worship.
Some observations/questions:
1) I assume this lengthy list of requirements began the following year. It feels like this is all the next day (so no four days of care for the lambs, etc. More like, get that blood up quick - and to remember it, from now on do it this way.
2) Why such detail? OK- the blood stuff obviously points to Jesus, and death of the firstborn too. The staff in hand, sandals on feet stuff seems to directly indicate- get ready to go, we're moving quickly and I want you to replicate that feeling each year to remember what I've done.
But what's the deal with specific number of days, and bitter herbs, and unleavend bread? Did the firstborn adults die too? If Pharaoh had been a firstborn (was he?) would he have died too?
3) What would the feeling of this holiday be? While it certainly was a joyous remembrance of being spared, would the celebration have been lessened with the memory of the massive deaths among the Egyptians?
4) "The destroyer" is actually doing the killing- not God, although it says somewhere else "I will pass through". Is this an "angel of death?" "Satan?" "God?" Something else?
Something significant (in my mind) happens toward the end of the chapter. Moses tells the people
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Exodus 11
It's high noon in Egypt. The Lord tells Moses He's got one more plague up His sleeve. When this plague is over, they won't just let you leave- they'll gas up your car, give you directions and give you a push toward the city limits.
God causes the Egyptians to like the Israelites- in fact Moses even has a fan club. They must really be fans of the Israelites, because God tells Moses to have the people ask their neighbors for silver and gold.
So Moses tells Pharaoh- that at midnight- every Egyptian firstborn- princes, slaves, cattle- they'll all die. There will be wailing like you've never heard and will never hear again. Go around the Israelites- you won't even hear a dog barking. God will show His distinction between these two nations. Moses tells him- your officials will come and ask me to leave town- and we'll be out of here. Moe is hot enough to hit Curly with a crowbar and storms out of Pharaoh's presence.
God tells Moses that Pharaoh won't listen so that My wonders will multiply in Egypt. The chapter ends with "Moses and Aaron performed all these wonders before Pharaoh, but the LORD hardened Pharaoh's heart, and he would not let the Israelites go out of his country" (NIV). I'm not sure if this last sentence refers to the plague described, or is a summary of Moses' activity up to this point.
This is a pretty bothersome scene for me. Innocent children dying to show God's power. Yes, it was effective- but somehow my concept of a loving God is challenged by all the carnage about to be created. While the Egyptians aren't God's chosen race, they are part of His creation. Is God learning to love His creation during this period of time? Is the death of these people actually merciful- are they rewarded after peacefully leaving this life?
The bottom line is- I have no clue. And that's what I take from this passage. God doesn't answer to me. He doesn't have to explain Himself. Whatever the rationale -He had one- and all these things continued to set in motion the coming of Jesus to save us all.
Even when we don't understand- when life seems cold- when God seems distant- when circumstances are trying- we only see a piece of the whole story.
And one day- it will all make sense.
Friday, June 08, 2007
Exodus 10:21-29
Unless Moses is telling the abridged version of his tale (and if he is, I'm grateful), they don't even bother asking Pharaoh again and threatening him with the next plague. Moses just gets to plague-ing.
On God's order, he raises his hands and thick darkness envelopes the land. Three days of darkness that could be felt. Metaphoric or not, this is dark. I've heard about caves that are so dark that you can't see your hand in front of your face. I think I would panic a bit in one of these caves- claustrophobia being a lot of it, but the darkness would surely add to the freak-out potential. I don't know what's there and as a result, I'm helpless.
Israelites are unaffected by it all. Plenty of light.
Pharaoh calls Moses and apparently recognized his voice, since I'm guessing he couldn't see him. He tells Moses- just go! Take everybody- men and women- fine- you win- you can worship...just leave your animals here.
I can understand Pharaoh's position. I've got this great slave labor- I can't afford to lose it- if the animals stay, surely they'll come back for them. And if they don't, at least I get the value of their livestock.
But Moses isn't biting. No sir, he says, all livestock comes with us. We'll use some to worship and we won't know what we're going to use until we get there.
So it's a standoff. And Pharaoh makes the wrong move. He tells Moses- I'm through with you- I never want to see you again- the next time I see you, you die.
And Moses responds with equal aplomb- "you asked for it, you got it."
What I take from this clash of the titans is this- God's will overrides man's will. What God wants, He gets. This doesn't mean God can't be reasoned with, Abraham did it several chapters back. He argued his case and God reconsidered. But ultimately- whatever the result is, it's on God's terms, not man's.
If negotiations occur, it's because God consents. Without Him in the picture, negotiation is pointless (and dangerous).
Since I don't have much blatant two-way conversation with God, the application is a little fuzzy. But maybe as I approach trying to please Him, it helps to be sure that I'm not making decisions based on what's best for me instead of what's best for Him.
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Exodus 10:1-20
So God tells Moses to go back and deal with Pharaoh. For the first time I remeber, He gives some rationale to the whole escapade. He says:
...I have hardened his [Pharaoh's] heart and the hearts of his officials so that I may perform these miraculous signs of mine among them that you may tell your children and grandchildren how I dealt harshly with the Egyptians and how I performed my signs among them, and that you may know that I am the LORD.
So it seems that at least in part God hardens Pharaoh's heart so that His people will know that He's there for them. Remember when you were slaves? Remember what I did for you? Remember when I worked great miracles and punished your captives over and over? Did you see what I can do? I'm God- don't forget.
This time the dreaded promise is locusts- they will devour what little of the land the hail didn't already destroy. They will destroy trees and fill houses. Pharaoh's officials have had enough. How long are we going to endure this guy? they ask. Look around- Egypt is ruined!
So for once Pharaoh listens, or he starts to. Fine, you can go- he says, but just who will be going?
Moses answers, pretty much everyone. He says:
We will go with our young and old, with our sons and daughters, and with our flocks and herds, because we are to celebrate a festival to the LORD.
This is all it takes to bring Pharaoh back to hard-hearted state again. No -just let the men go and worship since this is what you've been asking for.
It's a little ambiguous, but I assume he's saying you've been asking to worship, not you've been asking for the men to go. Pharaoh should have taken a grammar class.
So Moses brings on the locusts- they came until the land was black. Nothing green on a tree or plant remained in Egypt. And just like that Pharaoh is sorry. I have sinned again- he moans. And Moses prays, and a wind carries the locusts into the Red Sea.
And this is the main thing I'm struck with in this section. Here Pharaoh goes again. The boy who cried sorry. Moses shows skepticism in the last section. His officials are getting sick of his actions- but even though he's been down this path so many times before, God still removes the plague.
No matter how many times he's messed up- God takes away the plague. It's a good thing He still works that way. All the times I've hardened my heart and followed my own self-destructive will- all the times I've defied what I knew was right- all the times I've chosen short term pleasure and inherited long term pain- God still takes away the plague.
And just like before- when the plague is gone- Pharaoh's heart hardens again.
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Exodus 9: 13-35
God tells Moses- get up early- confront Pharaoh- demand release...and let him know, if you think the early plagues were bad...I'm just getting warmed up. Let him know that if he won't let them go this time- the full force of my plagues will come. If I wanted to, I could wipe out his people without any problem- I've been toying with him so news of my glory and power will spread.
God doesn't wait for an answer because he continues, you still won't let them go, so at this time tomorrow- I advise bringing everything- slaves, animals, crops- into some form of shelter, because you're going to see hail like you've never sen before.
Some officials who feared God heeded His warning, but others ignored it...to their peril.
Moses was instructed to stretch out his hand to the sky so the hail would fall...and it did. It beat down everything in the fields- men, animals, plants, even stripping every tree. All flax and barley were destroyed. Wheat and spelt (a wheat used mainly to feed livestock...I had to look it up) were ok because they ripen later. Everywhere was wiped out, except Goshen where the Israelites lived.
So, God has Pharaoh's attention. I have sinned- he claims. Moses isn't buying it- I'll pray for you- but I know you still don't fear God.
And Moses is right, once the hail stops, Pharaoh changes his mind and says the Israelites aren't going anywhere.
I wonder how Moses is feeling at this point. Is he just going through the motions? He knows that the plagues haven't phased Pharaoh. He calls him on it when he pleads for prayer. But does he hold himself responsible for the death of slaves who had the unfortunate circumstance of having skeptical owners. Yes, the plagues came from God- but they are initiated by Moses. Would this haunt him?
And I still don't understand Pharaoh. He's seen the power of God...what doesn't he get?
But metaphorically I do understand him. I seem to pay a lot more attention to God when things are falling apart- when I'm overcome with guilt, when money's tight, when I have an earache...not quite plagues, but still when I'm in need. But when the problem's gone, while I might be thankful immediately...it might be that my turning to God is less frequent. The plague is gone...I don't need you right now. At least that's what I seem to think subconcsiously.
I don't ask for plagues...just a closer walk.