Sunday, May 12, 2013

Booty for the Israelites: Numbers 31: 25-54

So the battle is done and spoils are divided.  Here God commands much less than the traditional tithe- in fact the soldiers are told to give .2% of what they plundered.  The Israelites were to give 2%.

Maybe God here is rewarding their courage in following Him into what would seem like a perilous situation.  Whatever the reason, they strike it rich. The nation took in hundreds of thousands of sheep, thousands of cattle and donkeys- and thousands of virgins.

And while we commonly hear criticism of Muslim fascination with a reward of virgins for their most valiant, here is a piece of our own history chronicling the same from the pen of Moses.

I have a hard time wrapping my mind around the condoned use of people as slaves, as objects, as less than human.  Some of my disdain is certainly cultural, but all the same- we're a long way from love your enemies here.

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