Sunday, July 25, 2010

Israeli Mosh Pits
Numbers 8: 5-26

Moses received the task of making the Levites ceremonially clean. To make this happen, he was to sprinkle the "water of cleansing" on them (which kind of sounds like what I might just call "water"). Then they were to shave their bodies and wash their clothes.

Then come the offerings- a young bull with its grain offering, and another bull for a sin offering. After that the Levites are brought to to the community where the Israelites lay hands on them. Is this the Holy Land version of a rock star sighting? Bono comes out and slaps some hands before heading back to isolation and getting to work?

Aaron then presents them as a wave offering. Before this happens, the Levites lay their hands on some animals that are then used as sacrifices (sin and burnt). They facilitate sacrifice and then become a sacrifice- not in a burned at the stake, ritualistic, creepy, drink the kool-aid cult kind of way- but in a giving up a life spent with the other Isralites and devoting yourself to the work of God kind of way.

God says that receiving them as a sacrifice replaces the need for the Israelites to give their firstborn to God. When He struck down the firstborn in Egypt, He had them in mind for the Isrealite part of it all. He takes ownership of all firstborn, whether man or animal.

Levite men are to be devoted to the work of God from age 25-50. After that, they can assist their brothers in the work, but they can't do it themselves.

I wonder if when every crop of Levites were cleansed- when the Israelites were laying their hands on them, they consciously thought- if it weren't for these guys, my son would be dead. If these Levites didn't sacrifice- I would lose so much.

And I think of my need to ponder the same thought more often. Without the sacrifice of another infamous firstborn, I would lose so much more.

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