Supreme Court
Exodus 38:9-20
So, here we are again. Another Exodus retelling of an incident that was pretty boring to begin with. The courtyard is built. You can read the earlier discussion here:
Lots of bronze, lots of linen, lots of yawning.
I am struck though, by the importance of work here that might not be the most thrilling. Menial, tedious, sweaty- work that would be great to pawn off on someone else to free me up to work on things more important. Besides my strong inepitude regarding most physical labor, I also harbor a deep-seated desire to avoid it... and with that desire comes great skill.
I would not have been the man chosen to head up this project. And I wouldn't have felt slighted by not being chosen. But maybe it says something that these people complete job after job, measuring posts and meeting specifications.
Granted, there was probably an artistic side of this endeavor that those in "the trade" might have reveled in, but I'm guessing there were folks there too who took part not because of the thrill of the work- but because of the desire to please the one who commissioned them in the first place.
Even when the work is less than glamorous, dull, or seems like it is beneath me (which is another issue)- perhaps remembering who the work is for can inspire dedication and focus. Even for someone who thinks a jigsaw is a puzzle.
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