Monday, August 28, 2006

Family Ties

Genesis 45

Joseph is overwhelmed with emotion, so he kicks everyone out save his brothers and reveals his true identity. He says, "I am Joseph! Is my father still living?" which is odd since the last chapter ended with Judah pleading "Do not let me see the misery that would come upon my father."

So the siblings are scared, but Joseph comforts them and sends them home to collect dear old dad. He tells them- you've got the best of what's here. Leave your possessions- you can have new and better things once you get here.

So they head back home full of wealth and promise- especially Benjamin. Apparently remembering his brothers well, his words to the departing brothers are "don't quarrel on the way." What could they have to fight about? Which one gets to tell their dad the great news?

Israel is stunned, but the wealth convinces him that it's all on the level and he says "My son Joseph is still alive. I will go and see him before I die."

Highlight: When Joseph comforts his brothers, he works hard to remove their guilt. He says, "do not be distressed and do not be angry with yourselves for selling me here, because it was to save lives that God sent me ahead of you."

And later, "So then, it was not you who sent me here, but God." He's saying, it's over- fuggedaboutit. It's all part of the plan.

So maybe the key here is our calling not only to forgive- but to help each other break off the shackles of guilt, find a way to live with ourselves and our past, and be able to sleep at night, despite what we may have done.

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