Cow Town
Numbers 35:1-5
Short passage where God tells Moses that even though they weren't awarded an inheritance, the tribes are to dedicate land for the Levites; land for their homes and land for their cattle to graze upon. If I remember right, the Levites wouldn't have been fighting, but as the conduit to God, it is certainly in the best interest of the Israelites to make sure their needs are provided for.
Perhaps this is God's way of creating precedence. His spokespeople, his clergy, should be taken care of by the people they serve. It's easy to be jaded about the employment of church workers- be skeptical about the hours kept and the work they do and as a result we often expect them to do more than their share since, after all, they're getting paid for it (and to be honest, we aren't always thrilled about that either).
These priests, these servants, served functions that I would never envy. They dealt with bloody carnage in the context of sacrifice, they were responsible for duties for the most powerful boss in existence. They earned their "pay".
While modern day "Levites" may deal with less blood and gore, they deal with the muck created by the Christians they serve. They learn things about us that they often wish they could un-know. They pray for us, minister to us, and work to bring us closer to God. They may not wear leather aprons, but they often get no less bloody. God's work, indeed.