Friday, December 29, 2006

Not Wholly Moses
Exodus 4:1-17

So God has just told Moses that he is the guy. He's going to lead his people but Moses isn't so sure he wants the job. Sounds like a great gig...but I didn't really apply. Who else have you got?

First he says- I don't feel like my cup overfloweth with credibility. What happens when they laugh at me? These burning bush things don't happen too often- how will I convince them I'm not crazy...or lying...or both?

So God tells him to throw his staff on the ground. When he does, it becomes a snake. When he picks it back up, it's a staff again. Ta-daa.

God says- I'm giving you some crowd-pleasing credibility. They'll know that the God of their fathers is behind it all.

I guess God sensed that Moses wasn't totally convinced. So perhaps as a pre-emptive move, He tells him- put your hand in your cloak. So Moses does, and when he pulls it out- he's got leprosy.

If I'm Moses, I'm not a big fan of this proof-tactic. And when I do this, look- I'm diseased! I might be thinking- how about I give them leprosy? I could saw the Egyptian in two- how about that?

Even as I write that last little bit- it strikes me how easy it is to think of these miracles as parlour tricks. Like if Penn and Teller lived back in the day Moses and Aaron would have been out of work (except for that whole thing about Penn and Teller being atheists and all). But even if I didn't much like it- if I'm Moses I think I get the point.

Moses, they'll believe you- and just in case you're doubting- look what I can do to you. I want you to do this...and I'm able to change sticks into snakes, give you leprosy- and so much more. Still sure you want to risk getting on my bad side?

But before you mistake our relationship...put your hand back. See? The leprosy's gone. What else can I do? I can protect you- I can save you- give me some trust here- they'll believe you. And what I really want is for YOU to believe that I've got it all in control.

But in case they don't believe, God gives Moses still another option. Get some water from the Nile and pour it on the dry ground. Yeah, after you finish, I wouldn't drink too much of it- it'll turn into blood.

God's been amazingly patient up to this point. He didn't pull the old "because I said so"- He tries reasoning with Moses; He tries boosting his confidence; He tries a little fear- but when Moses still isn't sold on the idea- God has had enough.

I'm not really much of a speaker. I'm "slow of speech and tongue," Moses says. I've heard theories of Moses being a stutterer. And that would certainly explain a lot. Public speaking phobia is a real and common thing and for many it is overwhelming. A not-so-recent survey of Americans placed public speaking a greater fear than death. Maybe this is why Moses is so bold in trying to get out of it.

Lord God, I'd rather risk your displeasure than face this great fear. And while I don't know if Moses was a stutterer or just a bit awkward- it would certainly seem reasonable that in either case this would be a major task to accept.

God's reply seems similar to His resonse to Job. It's his "do you know who I am?" argument. Hey- Moses- I make mouths- I make them dumb. I'm going to tell you what to say.

Moses is desperate now- he's at the "pretty please with sugar on top" state of arguing. Please send someone else.

And amazingly, God relents. FINE! Take Aaron- just stop with the complaining. Aaron can be your mouth piece. But you'll do the miracles.

He tells Moses - "It will be as if he were your mouth and as if you were God to him." This seems like a really odd phrase for God to use. But I guess the point is- you can use Aaron- but you're not out of the equation. I'll be coming to you only- it'll be your responsibility to be my mouth- and the people can assume that what you say came from me.

The big thing that jumps out at me in this section is the power of prayer. God changes His will for the sake of his worried child. When we express our fears to our father- He relents- He comforts- He doesn't excuse us from service, or bench us in the game- but he listens and makes it all ok.

And God leaves room for discussion- not to be manipulated- but he opens His mind and is willing to find another perfect way if it makes the path a little eaier for His children. And if He cuts Moses this much slack- He'll do the same for us.