Monday, June 12, 2006

Calling Abram

Genesis 12:1-9

It must have been pretty amazing to be Abram. We're not told what made him special here. He has yet to distinguish himself- he seems to have found financial success and found a wife, but otherwise we know little about him- and certainly not what brings God to give such a blessing to him. But basically Abram knows, pretty much whatever good there is to be in this world will happen through him.

There is potential though, in my mind, to view this blessing as less than stellar. Abram could have short-sightedly wondered what was in it for him. Sadly, I can see myself answering this way, at least internally. Well great, but what's in it for me? I'll be long gone when this whole blessing thing comes to pass...can I have a little taste now?

I guess this is a cultural thing, but I'm a bit bothered by the phrase "all the people they had acquired." So, Abram, the father of blessings was a slave owner? And God was okay with this. The Jews were God's chosen people in this period of time, but Christ's message seems to be more about those who are chosen being servants- not being those who own the servants. Does this bother anyone else?

I've been taught that this chapter shows Abram's 3-fold promise of nation, seed and land. I don't see these distinctive promises here- maybe if you go in looking for them. I also understand that Christ comes through the seed- but beyond that, I'm not sure of the necessity of distinguishing these promise-tenants. Maybe i'm just missing something.

Message in this section for me: God blesses His children and when he blesses, respond with worship.

footnote from last night: Abram's deceased brother was named Haran- which also is the name of the city(?) that Abram and company move to and the city that Abram's father died in. Coincidence? Maybe Terah names Haran after his love for the city, maybe Terah established this city and named it in honor of his missed, late son, maybe something else. Seems too odd to be coincidence- however it's also probably quite irrelevant to getting the meaning of the text.

Leaving town- I'll post again Monday. Awfully quiet out there lately- hope it's busy-ness and not boredom.


1 comment:

Chip said...

Rob Bell's take: