Friday, May 27, 2011

The Israelites Graduate
Numbers 15: 37-41

God tells Moses to attach a tassel with a blue cord on the corners of their garments.  This is to happen from generation to generation and is supposed to serve as a reminder to follow God's commands. God ends the command by reminding them that He has the authority to command it- He  is God who brought them out of Egypt.

I really like the idea of utilizing a physical reminder of who you are, or are trying to be- I've used one before- a special coin that was in my pocket.  In tough times just a hand in my pocket feeling the coin was a help to steer me straight. In my case, it was even more of a way to help me remember that I'm not who I was- that the past is behind- that this God I follow has forgiven me. But whether a coin in your pocket, a note on your bathroom mirror, a cross on your rear view mirror (unless you're too attached to the fuzzy dice), or a blue cord on a tassel, a visual reminder to stay true to God's commands and that He is in control  can certainly be a good thing.

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