Thursday, November 22, 2007

Curing Insomnia

Exodus 27:9-19

Warning: The surgeon general has declared it unsafe to read this passage directly before operating heavy machinery. Yikes- maybe it's just me- but this last stretch has been pretty dry.

Here we get instructions for building the courtyard. It's to be 150 feet by 75 feet. Seems like a pretty good size for some serious wiffle ball- and the ball would probably bounce pretty well off of all that bronze. Alas, I don't think much wiffle ball would have been allowed in this courtyard.

We get specifics about posts, and hooks and curtains and ultimately told that you can't use too much bronze. Pretty much everything else used in service for the tabernacle, including tent pegs will be made from bronze.

Growing up, I may have I had the impression that these kinds of passages stressed God's desire to dictate every detail- stressing the need for authority...if God doesn't spell it out, then you probably shouldn't do it. He doesn't mention instruments of music in New Testament worship- better not use them. Look at all the detail here, if it was ok, He would have spelled it out. He hasn't mentioned it- probably means you should stay away.

But my perspective has drastically changed. Maybe these passages are supposed to show us that when it does matter to Him- detail follows. "If I don't give you detail, then it really doesn't matter to Me. If I expected you to build it from bronze...haven't you learned that I'll tell thorough detail...and leave little room for doubt?"

Instead of a stressing of legalism- maybe these thorough passages are the opposite- the freedom that comes from silence.

1 comment:

Chip said...

Dave wrote:
I think so. When I seek God's guidance, I tend to interpret silence as "whatever" in a loving way.
I do the same with Kate. If I have a strong preference, I tell her. If I don't, she really does need to decide.
e.g. Sitting in front of a table of clay, "should I make a kitten or a bunny?" Um, whatever.